Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

HIV Positive Mothers Pregnant No Need to Fear

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
pregnant mother
HIV-positive mothers do not need to be afraid of getting pregnant or have children. (PHOTO: MARIE CLAIRE) - According to the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) Ministry of Health (MoH) to September 2014, people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia as much as 54 percent of men and 29 percent women. Meanwhile 17% did not report sex. 29 percent of these, mostly housewives, reaching 6,539 people.

"The amount of the highest AIDS is the housewife. Risk factors most through heterosexual transmission is 61.5 per cent, followed by perinatal transmission (birth) 2.7 percent, "said the head of the Ministry of Health Balitbangkes Tjandra Yoga Aditama through a press release received by journalists, Sunday (11/30/2014).

To avoid, in the spread of HIV in women of reproductive age, the government also socialize ABCD principles, namely Absent sex, Be faithful to each other, Prevent the condom, is forbidden to use drugs.

Paraibu HIV positive do not need to be afraid pregnant or have children. Currently the program for prevention of mother to child (PPIA) continues. To pregnant women, health care workers are required to offer HIV testing. If positive, the mother can perform testing and counseling HIV / AIDS, the provision of antiretroviral therapy (ARV) to be monitored.

If caught early, the risk of transmission of HIV positive pregnant women to their babies is very low with the provision of ARVs. In fact, HIV positive pregnant mothers can breastfeed her child without the risk of transmission.

"MOH policy today is HIV positive pregnant women to be given ARVs immediately without notice regardless of their CD4 value," said Tjandra.

After that, the routine checks to be carried out until the time of delivery Pregnant women will also be given a good education laksatasi management to prevent blisters and sore breasts. If the nipples are sore or wound, then breast milk can not be given. TEMPAT JUAL SEPATU SNEAKERS ONLINE TERPERCAYA | TEMPAT JUAL SEPATU SNEAKERS ONLINE TERPERCAYA | TEMPAT JUAL SEPATU SNEAKERS ONLINE TERPERCAYA

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